J type thermocouple Manufacturer in Ahmedabad

A common temperature measuring tool, the J type thermocouple is made of two different metal wires: constantan (a copper and nickel alloy) and iron. The voltage produced by the junction formed when these wires are linked at one end is exactly proportional to the temperature differential between the junction (hot end) and the other ends of the wires (cold end). The Seebeck effect is the name given to this phenomena. Because of its broad temperature range—typically from -210°C to 1200°C—and relatively high sensitivity, J type thermocouples are well-suited for a variety of industrial applications, including kilns, furnaces, and other high-temperature operations. They are also preferred since they are affordable and long-lasting. However, as oxidation can compromise the thermocouple's accuracy and endurance, it is imperative to shield the iron wire from it. To guarantee accurate and dependable temperature measurements, proper installation and maintenance are essential.

The three main components of a J type thermocouple are:

  1. Positive Leg (Iron) : This gives the thermocouple junction a positive voltage and is usually constructed of iron.
  2. Negative Leg (Constantan) : Constantan, a copper-nickel alloy, is typically used to make this, which produces a negative voltage at the thermocouple junction.
  3. Thermocouple Junction : It is at this moment that the iron and constantan metal wires are connected. Because of the thermoelectric effect caused by the temperature differential between the junction and the other end of the thermocouple wires, this junction is where the temperature is measured.